We are happy to announce that our signature Lavender Body Wash and Lavender Shampoo are back on the shelves. Visit our online shop or swing by the Farm Shop to restock on these classic Los Poblanos products. The Farm Shop is open daily from 9 am - 6 pm.

Mother's Day is Around the Corner
Give mom the gift of a spa day at home with the Apothecary Collection gift set. Beautifully packaged in our custom reusable box, this curated collection incorporates two of our favorite organic lavender products to create a simple skincare routine that invigorates and deeply hydrates.

Vela de Herbal Bug Repellent
The all-natural answer to seasonal insects. An herbaceous blend of citronella, lemongrass, eucalyptus and cedarwood creates a safe and effective repellent for al fresco patio dining and slow nights spent on the porch.
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Los Poblanos House-Made Granola
Made right here in the Los Poblanos kitchen, our signature House-Made Granola has taken on the air of an old family recipe. It's been tried and tested by the LP staff and continues to be a favorite for breakfast or on the go.
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Eldora Chocolate Bars
Get these seasonal chocolate bars while you still can! Located ten minutes from our farm, Eldora Chocolate makes organic, fair trade chocolate bars in diverse and delicious flavors. With three varieties available online, we have to admit our favorite features lavender from our fields.
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Lavender Bath Salts
Embrace a few moments for yourself as the unmistakable scent of Los Poblanos lavender infuses your bath water with its naturally healing properties. The detoxifying qualities of Dead Sea salt help to melt away your stress.
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