The winter months may seem like a dormant time of year on the farm, but below the surface there’s frenzy of activity taking place. While we’re rushing to get gifts bought and wrapped, the farmers are toiling away tending fields of winter rye (one of the best overwintering crops), carefully tending to thousands of lavender starts, and mapping out next season’s planting patterns.

Over in the greenhouse, Head Lavender Farmer Travis is working hard to care for almost 4,500 lavender starts that were propagated by hand from last season’s cuttings. Come spring time, the larger plants will be transferred out to the fields where they will continue to be carefully tended by Travis. These lavender plants will also play an important role in the landscaping of the new spaces that we’re building on the north side of the property (along side the existing lavender fields). Guests at the renovated spaces will be able to enjoy sweeping views of the lavender against the stunning backdrop of the Sandia Mountains (words cannot express how excited we are about the new things we’ll get to share with you!).
January will see the addition of a new tall tunnel greenhouse near the kitchen gardens where the farmers will cultivate vegetable starts as well as a larger variety native herbs and botanicals. As if they weren’t busy enough, the farm team is also in the midst of plotting out next year’s planting map. They’re taking into account changing weather patterns, the phases of the moon, soil conditions, and countless other factors to ensure the most fruitful harvests possible.
So, although the fields and trees are looking a little, shall we say, forlorn, our farmers are by no means taking it easy. Rest assured, they’re still just as busy as summer bees.