The Dr. Armin Rembe Lecture Series aims to celebrate his legacy by promoting stimulating conversations rooted in the core values and mission of Los Poblanos. The lecture series is also a nod to the rich history of the La Quinta Cultural Center in the 1930s and 1940s, when the Simms family held lectures and events that promoted the arts. If you've attended any of our monthly lectures, recently launched in October, there's no doubt you left with new knowledge and perhaps a fresh perspective. We're delighted to announce this new installment of lectures for the new year. Consider gifting a ticket as an experiential gift this holiday season and enjoy a culturally rich day at La Quinta by joining us for Afternoon Tea before the evening lecture.
A note about online booking: If you'd like to reserve more than one ticket, please note you'll need to log in first. Then, add names to the "selected member" section. Once you've added each attendee's name, hit "book class" and proceed to the reservation details page. Make sure everyone's name is listed, and then click "register" to continue making the reservation. To add another attendee, click the back button on your browser and navigate to the page with lecture details where you can then add another guest.
If you have any trouble completing your reservation, please contact us at 505-308-3447.
New Mexico's Winemaking History with Dylan Storment | February 9, 2022
Our home state has been producing wine since 1629, over 130 years before the first California vineyards were established. Learn about the dynamic history of winemaking in New Mexico, and complement the evening by purchasing a tasting of exemplary New Mexican wines.
How Women Made the West with Professor Virginia Scharff | March 9, 2022
Don't miss this very special evening during Women's History Month with Professor Virginia Scharff, author of many books including Home Lands: How Women Made the West. Scharff will illuminate how seeing women in history makes history look different.
An Evening with Lone Piñon | April 13, 2022
Experience the traditional music of Northern New Mexico with Lone Piñon, a New Mexican string band that celebrates the integrity and diversity of our region's cultural roots. They will share their insights into this unique genre and their musical lineage.
The Gardens of Los Poblanos, Past and Present with Judith Phillips | May 11, 2022
For nearly 100 years of Los Poblanos history, the gardens have been influenced by many talented landscape architects. Join Judith Phillips, a landscape designer who has a hand in the Los Poblanos gardens, as she connects the rich stories of early plantings and those of today.
Reserve online or contact us at 505-308-3447.