We’d love to have your vote.
Los Poblanos is a Condé Nast Readers' Choice
We would be honored to have your vote in the Condé Nast Traveler 2022 Readers' Choice Awards. The past few years have changed how we all travel, and we’ve been so grateful to all who have visited Los Poblanos to experience la vida generosa–the generous life–on our farm.
Lavender Body Wash and Shampoo are Back in Stock!
We are happy to announce that our signature Lavender Body Wash and Lavender Shampoo are back on the shelves. Visit our online shop or swing by the Farm Shop to restock on these classic Los Poblanos products. The Farm Shop is open daily from 9 am - 6 pm.
Upcoming Spring Events on the Farm
Spring is in full swing with exciting opportunities to dine, learn, relax and experience Los Poblanos. Visit our Events Calendar for a complete listing.
Farm Journal: Anticipation is in the Air
Spring arrived on the farm with a snowstorm that made the gardens and lavender fields sparkle with sun breaking through the low-hanging clouds. The back-and-forth play of warm sunny days and reminders that winter can return at a moment’s notice keep the farmers on their toes as they prepare to bring the farm out of winter slumber.